Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year. New Hopes

A new year has begun even before I felt ready for it. Year 2011 has been a year that whisked past so quickly and in such a mad rush that I didn't even have time to pause to smell the roses. Ironically, it's a year I went for the most number of overseas vacations. Still, I felt tired as the year came to a close.

Nevertheless, as the saying goes, 'How you enter the year determines how the year's gonna be.' So, I'm determined to start the year on a good note, and I wish that 2012 will be a year that I search deeper into my soul and spirit and put into words, the many things I think and ponder about.

Have you thought about how your 2012 is going to be like? If you want it to be a good and memorable year, take some time to ponder about this question this week. It's going to mark a good beginning of something really wonderful in your life.

I wish for happiness for every one of you reading this. And the journey begins. =)

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