Saturday, January 7, 2012

52W Journal Week 1: Keep Believing

The first 7 days of 2012 went by just like that. It was bitter-sweet start to the year for me personally. The year kicked start with a really beautiful wedding of two dear friends close to my heart. It was one of those weddings I would remember even after many years. That was of course the sweet part.

The bitter part started way before the year even began. Since Christmas last year, I have been busy. Not with my own agenda, but just being there for someone very dear to me, who's going through a difficult phase of her life right now.

Everyday, I reach home, feeling drained and exhausted. Emotionally, there are a lot to deal with, and physically, it's tiring. The ironical thing is I'm not even the one directly in the crisis. I can't even imagine what goes on in the minds of these beloved ones. The sense of helplessness has got to be one of the most devastating emotions to go through. There is a problem, yet it's not within your means to resolve it. You just sit around every day, praying and hoping that a miracle will somehow happen. That, God will intervene.

We pray when we need help, regardless of what religion you believe in. We ask God to please help us, because it's something we need divine assistance. But the issue is prayers do not always get answered the way we want it to. Simply because God knows better. He sees what happens in our future before we even know it.

It's a theory we all know very well, and can recite it with confidence to someone else facing a crisis.

But being IN the crisis changes perspectives. Logical thinking becomes illogical. Sensibility becomes insensibility. All we crave for is a quick solution. And we want to see it NOW. We don't care about the big picture. At least not now.

I am praying everyday that 2012 will be a good year - Good for my family, my friends, myself and for these people dear to my heart. I pray that we will all get out of the crisis soon, and move on with greater things to come. One thing I hold on to very dearly is a promise that God made to me several years ago, "I am always with you." Whenever I feel the going is tough, I'd always be reminded of this and be comforted. Yes, I am not alone. My friends in the crisis are not alone.

God will come through for us. Amen.

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