Monday, January 30, 2012

Comfort Zone

How many of us would be willing to step out of our comfort zone and go into the unknown? This thing called ‘Comfort Zone’ has been the main hurdle in most people’s lives. Staying in the comfort zone is easy, comfortable and contented. Everyone loves the comfort zone.

I remember when I was working in the Ministry Of Home Affairs Central Narcotics Bureau many years ago, I was asked whether I want to move on to another position within CNB, or to be transferred to the Ministry of Home Affairs Headquarters to try a totally different position. My predecessors all made the choice to stay in CNB because it’s a happy family, and staying put in the organisation would let them stay within their comfort zone. At that point, I decided that I wanted to take the risk and venture out to a totally different job scope. I thought that since I was still relatively young, I could ‘afford’ to take risks. It was a decision that would make me leave all the dear colleagues-turned-good-friends, and the very cohesive working environment at CNB. Still, I took that plunge.


I have to admit, it was extremely uncomfortable for me in my new job. There were parts of my new job scope which I was absolutely not good at. My job then required me to sift through news programmes and newspapers everyday to extract critical news and information pertaining to the Home Team, and I was one who HATED reading the newspapers or watching the news. It was torturous, to say the least. Thankfully, there were those other parts of the job scope that I enjoyed doing and did well at. Plus, the colleagues were supportive and fun to hang around with. That helped me get through the two years I spent there. From there, I left the job to become a full-time worker in my church. It’s been six years since, and every moment of the six years had been wonderful, enjoyable and very satisfying.

As I looked back on the journey I took to eventually reach where I really am called to do, I could pinpoint exactly what God was training me to do every step of the way. Even those parts where I felt miserable and struggling as I stepped out of my comfort zone, God taught me many things through the experiences. I am the way I am today because of the ‘training’ I had gone through in my last few jobs. Stepping out of my comfort zone had not been easy, but because I’ve done it before, I find it a lot easier to do that now. It’s like a level I’ve managed to break through. Stepping out of the comfort zone made me stronger mentally and emotionally, more resilient in my mind and forced me to become more sociable and approachable.

As I grow older in age, may I not become yet another person who’s just happy staying in my comfort zone and not make any efforts to improve myself or push myself against the limits.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Work Is Meant To Be Enjoyable

I might be a workaholic, I don’t know.

I really do enjoy working very much. And I’m thankful that I like my job, my colleagues, my bosses and everything associated with what I do. Thankful because it’s not something that should be taken for granted. I’ve got many friends who rant and complain about their jobs every single day. Most feel miserable and unhappy, and want to leave their jobs but can’t do so because of many reasons.

I think work is meant to be enjoyable. Simply because God created work and decided that man should spend so many hours working a day, so I don’t believe He meant for it to be difficult and miserable. I do believe God wants us to enjoy our work and be happy in our jobs! Only then can we be happy people.

I am very privileged that I can work for my church and serve a community I love so much. I’ve always wanted to be a full-time church worker since young. I know that my strengths and interests lie in administration, so I’ve always wanted to be a secretary or admin person working full-time in a church. So I count my blessings everyday that I am doing exactly that now. =)

Of course, a church is like any other organisation – It’s not perfect and there are bound to be organisational and interpersonal issues. But I’ve been working in my church for the last 6 years, and I enjoy every moment. I love every one of my co-workers, my superiors and the lay leaders I work with. Not everyone’s an angel of course, but it’s been a very enriching journey so far.

My brother always tells me that he is amazed at how positive I am as a person. Frankly, I don’t see myself as a positive person. I don’t think that life is a bed of roses, or feel that everything is great in my life. I am just good at coping with whatever situation I am placed in. I guess you can say that I am adaptable and flexible. No matter where I am at, I can find a way to make myself stay happy and contented. I am glad that’s part of my DNA, because it definitely made me a easily-happy person. Come to think about it, ya maybe I am a positive person after all! =)

After the Chinese New Year holidays, the year officially starts. While we start getting into the momentum and getting busy all over again, keep that happy vibes going in your life, and perhaps make an extra effort to think positive and happy thoughts. Be amazed at what a difference that can make to your life. Cheers!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Really Love CNY

My favourite time of every year has got to be the Lunar New Year. Christmas comes very close in 2nd place, but really, nothing is really like the Lunar New Year to me. I love the joyous mood & atmosphere that comes along with the Lunar New Year, and red, noisy and happy associated with it.

I think it’s got a lot to do with the happy memories of the festival I grew up with. Both my parents and I are born in Malaysia, so all our relatives still live in different parts of Malaysia even though we migrated to Singapore when I was three years old. When I was a kid, my happiest moments were when we drove back to Malaysia to meet our relatives during the Lunar New Year. Everything about it makes me smile even as I think about it now. The 5-hour drive starts early in the morning at 5am with loud Hokkien songs playing throughout the journey. We would stop at Ayer Tham to buy all kinds of firecrackers (yes still legalised in Malaysia then!), fresh fruits and little gifts for our relatives. When we reached Malaysia, we would go house to house to visit all my Uncles and Aunties whom we meet only once a year, to collect ang pows, eat titbits and play with the cousins and neighbours. It was all very fun.

On some years when we don’t make the trips back to Malaysia during the New Year, my dad and I would be couch potatoes and watch Cantonese drama serials everyday while munching on all kind of CNY goodies. In between, we would go for movies, have nice meals and go shopping. That was very nice too. =)

After I found my then-boyfriend-now-hubby Isaiah, it became an annual tradition that I would join his side of the relatives for New Year luncheon on the 1st day of the New Year. His mother’s sisters and brothers would all gather at their mum’s house for a great feasting, and because the entire clan are Christians, one of the Uncles, who’s a Pastor, would lead us all in a short prayer for blessings in the new year over the family and everyone, before the feasting begins. It was such a nice feeling to have a big family to hang out with during a festival like the Lunar New Year. I just love it.

Now that I have my own kids, hubby and I would bring them to Chinatown every year just to soak into the whole Lunar New Year mood. It’s crowded and very tiring, but definitely something we have to do every year. Appreciation of traditions must start from young. =)


And so, I’m sure you can understand why as I grew up, the Lunar New Year has always been my favourite festival. It’s closely associated with love, family meals and great time of fellowship. Have a great Lunar New Year, everyone. May it be filled with love and happiness. =D

Saturday, January 7, 2012

52W Journal Week 1: Keep Believing

The first 7 days of 2012 went by just like that. It was bitter-sweet start to the year for me personally. The year kicked start with a really beautiful wedding of two dear friends close to my heart. It was one of those weddings I would remember even after many years. That was of course the sweet part.

The bitter part started way before the year even began. Since Christmas last year, I have been busy. Not with my own agenda, but just being there for someone very dear to me, who's going through a difficult phase of her life right now.

Everyday, I reach home, feeling drained and exhausted. Emotionally, there are a lot to deal with, and physically, it's tiring. The ironical thing is I'm not even the one directly in the crisis. I can't even imagine what goes on in the minds of these beloved ones. The sense of helplessness has got to be one of the most devastating emotions to go through. There is a problem, yet it's not within your means to resolve it. You just sit around every day, praying and hoping that a miracle will somehow happen. That, God will intervene.

We pray when we need help, regardless of what religion you believe in. We ask God to please help us, because it's something we need divine assistance. But the issue is prayers do not always get answered the way we want it to. Simply because God knows better. He sees what happens in our future before we even know it.

It's a theory we all know very well, and can recite it with confidence to someone else facing a crisis.

But being IN the crisis changes perspectives. Logical thinking becomes illogical. Sensibility becomes insensibility. All we crave for is a quick solution. And we want to see it NOW. We don't care about the big picture. At least not now.

I am praying everyday that 2012 will be a good year - Good for my family, my friends, myself and for these people dear to my heart. I pray that we will all get out of the crisis soon, and move on with greater things to come. One thing I hold on to very dearly is a promise that God made to me several years ago, "I am always with you." Whenever I feel the going is tough, I'd always be reminded of this and be comforted. Yes, I am not alone. My friends in the crisis are not alone.

God will come through for us. Amen.

Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year. New Hopes

A new year has begun even before I felt ready for it. Year 2011 has been a year that whisked past so quickly and in such a mad rush that I didn't even have time to pause to smell the roses. Ironically, it's a year I went for the most number of overseas vacations. Still, I felt tired as the year came to a close.

Nevertheless, as the saying goes, 'How you enter the year determines how the year's gonna be.' So, I'm determined to start the year on a good note, and I wish that 2012 will be a year that I search deeper into my soul and spirit and put into words, the many things I think and ponder about.

Have you thought about how your 2012 is going to be like? If you want it to be a good and memorable year, take some time to ponder about this question this week. It's going to mark a good beginning of something really wonderful in your life.

I wish for happiness for every one of you reading this. And the journey begins. =)